Quick start guide


  • This package contains no static files. This means you need to bring in USWDS from somewhere else–use whatever your preferred method from the USWDS developer guide.

    You should be able to use any version of USWDS you want, as this package only really depends on the HTML structure and CSS classes of a handful of USWDS widgets.

    You’ll also need to make sure the USWDS CSS is included in whatever pages you want to display your forms on.

  • You’ll need Django 1.11.1 or later.

  • Your project needs to use either Django’s default DjangoTemplates or Jinja2 template engine.

    In a similar vein, your forms need to use either Django’s default DjangoTemplates or Jinja2 form renderer.

  • Your project needs to use Python 3.


This package isn’t on PyPI yet, so you’ll need to install it directly from GitHub for now:

pip install git+git://github.com/18F/django-uswds-forms

Required settings

Add uswds_forms to your INSTALLED_APPS setting, e.g.:

    # ...
    # ...

Jinja2 setup (optional)

If you’re using Django’s default template backend, you don’t need to do any extra configuration. However, if you’re using the Jinja2 backend, you might want to add some of this package’s Jinja2 functions to your Jinja2 environment.

For example, you can create myproject/jinja2.py with this content:

from jinja2 import Environment
import uswds_forms

def environment(**options):
    env = Environment(**options)
        'fieldset': uswds_forms.fieldset,
    return env

and in your settings.py, set the environment option of the Jinja2 template engine to point at it, like so:

    # ...
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2',
        'DIRS': [],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'environment': 'myproject.jinja2.environment',
    # ...

This will allow you to use e.g. the fieldset() function from any Jinja2 template.

Getting started

One way to get started is by visiting the example gallery. It contains a number of examples in increasing complexity. Each example can be tinkered with, and you can also easily view its Python and Django template source code.

If you want to run the example gallery locally, see Developing django-uswds-forms.


These guidelines are generally followed by the aforementioned example gallery, so refer to that if you want to see these in action.

  • If possible, use the UswdsForm class for your form. It will make error listings “just work”, and its as_fieldsets() can get you by in a pinch; for more fine-grained display of form fields, see the fieldset template tag.

  • In general, Django’s built-in Field classes should work okay out-of-the-box. The major exceptions to these are radios and checkboxes, which use slightly different markup in USWDS than Django’s default, so you’ll want to use our specialized widgets to replace Django’s defaults.

  • If you want automatic indication of required fields in the style shown in the USWDS name form template, you can set the required_css_class attribute on your form to 'usa-input-required'.

    (Unfortunately, there isn’t currently an easy way to do the inverse of this, where only optional fields are called out.)