Source code for uswds_forms.radio_and_checkbox

from django import forms

__all__ = (

class UswdsWidgetMixin:
    option_template_name = 'uswds_forms/input_option.html'

    def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
        context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs)  # type: ignore
        widget_attrs = context['widget']['attrs']
        if 'class' not in widget_attrs:
            widget_attrs['class'] = 'usa-unstyled-list'
        if 'id' not in widget_attrs:
            raise ValueError('USWDS-style inputs must have "id" '
        return context

[docs]class UswdsRadioSelect(UswdsWidgetMixin, forms.widgets.RadioSelect): ''' This subclass of :class:`django.forms.RadioSelect` styles radio buttons appropriately for USWDS. You can use this in a :class:`django.forms.ChoiceField` to get a list of radio buttons instead of a ``<select>`` element for your choices. For an example of how this looks in practice, see the `USWDS radio buttons example <>`_. '''
[docs]class UswdsCheckboxSelectMultiple(UswdsWidgetMixin, forms.widgets.CheckboxSelectMultiple): ''' This subclass of :class:`django.forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple` styles grouped checkboxes appropriately for USWDS. You can use this in a :class:`django.forms.MultipleChoiceField` to get a list of checkboxes instead of a ``<select multiple>`` element for your choices. For an example of how this looks in practice, see the `USWDS checkboxes example <>`_. '''
[docs]class UswdsMultipleChoiceField(forms.fields.MultipleChoiceField): ''' This is just a :class:`django.forms.MultipleChoiceField` that uses the :class:`~uswds_forms.UswdsCheckboxSelectMultiple` widget. We've provided this field for convenience because the usability of the default :class:`django.forms.SelectMultiple` is so terrible that you'll probably never want to use it. `Burn your select tags! <>`_ ''' widget = UswdsCheckboxSelectMultiple